The American television show Rick and Morty, an animated science fiction sitcom, critiques speciesism in the context of bleak existentialist philosophy. Though the show focuses primarily on human characters, it also depicts various forms of artificial sentience, such as robots or clones, undergoing existential crises. It explicitly effaces any distinction between human sentience and artificial sentience, forcefully treating all sentient life with an equivalent respect (or disrespect). The show also problematizes human speciesism in relationship to terrestrial and extra-terrestrial life
Si la Technique vient compenser un défaut d'être, quelle est la responsabilité de l’homme face à l’é...
The advancements we have made in robotics thus far is extraordinary. As extraordinary as those advan...
Thinking in terms of purposes is inevitable in daily life. We make to-do lists and we go to the stor...
The American television show Rick and Morty, an animated science fiction sitcom, critiques speciesis...
Absurdism is a default thought of cosmic meaninglessness that society is continuously trying to solv...
In this article, we argue that the animated TV-show Rick and Morty depicts several important and rel...
This thesis investigates the way artificial life in science fiction is used to explore what it means...
There is no way to include invertebrates within the moral sphere without being “extreme” — to use Mi...
This paper concluded, that Rick and Morty proves to be different than the other similar cartoons on ...
Tjeskoba, strah, očajanje samo su neke od emocija s kojima se svakodnevno suočavaju ljudi, no rijetk...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the millennial generation’s appeal to dark and absurdist...
The question of existence is the latest dilemma plaguing human psyche in the 21st century. Nietzsche...
Critical discussions on fictions of the ‘double’ tend to follow theoretical trajectories that rely o...
I distinguish two theses regarding technological successors to current humans (posthumans): an anthr...
In my thesis, I explore how advanced robotic technologies affect human society and my particular con...
Si la Technique vient compenser un défaut d'être, quelle est la responsabilité de l’homme face à l’é...
The advancements we have made in robotics thus far is extraordinary. As extraordinary as those advan...
Thinking in terms of purposes is inevitable in daily life. We make to-do lists and we go to the stor...
The American television show Rick and Morty, an animated science fiction sitcom, critiques speciesis...
Absurdism is a default thought of cosmic meaninglessness that society is continuously trying to solv...
In this article, we argue that the animated TV-show Rick and Morty depicts several important and rel...
This thesis investigates the way artificial life in science fiction is used to explore what it means...
There is no way to include invertebrates within the moral sphere without being “extreme” — to use Mi...
This paper concluded, that Rick and Morty proves to be different than the other similar cartoons on ...
Tjeskoba, strah, očajanje samo su neke od emocija s kojima se svakodnevno suočavaju ljudi, no rijetk...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the millennial generation’s appeal to dark and absurdist...
The question of existence is the latest dilemma plaguing human psyche in the 21st century. Nietzsche...
Critical discussions on fictions of the ‘double’ tend to follow theoretical trajectories that rely o...
I distinguish two theses regarding technological successors to current humans (posthumans): an anthr...
In my thesis, I explore how advanced robotic technologies affect human society and my particular con...
Si la Technique vient compenser un défaut d'être, quelle est la responsabilité de l’homme face à l’é...
The advancements we have made in robotics thus far is extraordinary. As extraordinary as those advan...
Thinking in terms of purposes is inevitable in daily life. We make to-do lists and we go to the stor...